Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A Tale of Two Trainings

I went to two trainings in the last two weeks. One was good; one made me die a little inside.

In my last post, I talked about how I was going to a computer training. I made a couple of predictions of how it would go. I was right. We spent 20 minutes on turning the computer on and off. We spent another 20 on how to make a favorite in IE. Now, if this training was filled with people like my mom, I wouldn't have complained. I would have offered to help. But this training was filled with people that have no excuse for they should be some sort of expert at using a computer. It makes me sick to think of how little their students know because of them. Again, there is no excuse. I have a friend who teaches social studies even though her major was English. She always complains that she is not good at Social Studies because it's not her major. Now, I'm not going to argue that she could teach English better because that is what she feels more comfortable. No, she's a teacher. Which means we can safely assume she can read and process information. Since the textbooks are written in English I'm doubly sure she can do this. But think about it, she's using her lack of training as an excuse for not doing a good job. Give me a break! If you are a teacher, shouldn't you be able to teach anything? And if the subject matter is difficult, shouldn't you be able to teach yourself? Ah...

Well, the second training I went to was on Senior Projects. We are a Senior Project High school. I came away actually inspired from this confrence. I realized that for all the faults my school has when we stack up again schools from all over the nation, we do pretty well. We just need to have more faculty involvement for Senior Project I feel. That will come.

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